Canadian Vacation Ownership Association Supports Ethical Selling of Vacation Ownership in Mexico

2020-10-25T09:43:52-04:00October 21st, 2019|Tags: , |

Recently the Canadian Government issued a warning to Canadian travelers who may be considering a purchase of a timeshare in Mexico, referencing high pressure tactics and urging citizens to do their homework and be diligent before signing any timeshare contracts. The CVOA supports the Canadian Government Advisory and acknowledges that, as with every industry, there is likely some operators that do not adhere to all guidelines.

Explore The Business Of Vacations At VO-Con 2019

2020-10-25T09:43:59-04:00August 30th, 2019|Tags: , , |

The theme for this year’s event is “To Explore the Business of Vacations” and blends networking with varied educational sessions that encourage collaboration and sharing of information. VO-Con isn’t just for Canadians however, it attracts attendees from US, Mexico and beyond, offering insights for Resort Developers, Hotels, Travel Clubs and those that sell vacation products to Canadian residents in their local markets, and access to potential business relationships to help drive more sales.


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